14298 60th Street Stillwater, MN 55082

Tips For Gardening With Deer And Rabbits

Tuesday, March 15 | Gardening Info

Gardening is a great way to connect with the environment and commune with wildlife, but nobody wants to spend a weekend planting a gourmet feast for the local fauna.  Wildlife is great, so long as it steers clear of your hard work.  Here are some ideas for discouraging, but not harming some common backyard guests.


Beautiful, graceful and hungry.  Isolated deer problems can usually be controlled with non-toxic repellents.  Perimeter repellents like predator urine will keep them out of a particular area while taste deterrents like Liquid Fence will keep them away from specific plants.  Below are some plants that are generally disliked by deer, but there’s no guaranteeing they won’t be ‘sampled’.  The only sure fix for deer is a 6 ft.+ fence.

Deer Resistant Perennials:

Achillea Aconitum Ajuga Alchemilla Allium
Artemesia Astilbe Babtisia Big Bluestem Calamagrostis
Cimicifuga Convallaria Coreopsis Chrysanthemum Dicentra
Digitalis Echinacea Helleborus Iris Lamiastrum
Lamium Liatris Lupine Miscanthus Monarda
Narcissus Nepeta Paeonia Poppies Perovskia
Polemonium Polygonum Pulmonaria Rhubarb Rudebeckia
Salvia Sedum Stachys Yucca  

Deer Resistant Annuals:

Ageratum Cosmos Heliotrope Marigold Nasturtium
Petunia Snapdragon Alyssum Vinca Cleome
Dusty Miller Castor Bean      

Rabbits and Rodents: 

Harder to stop with fencing, repellents offer a convenient tool for managing these smaller guests.  Try castor oil for moles and Milorganite or blood meal for rabbits, mice and squirrels.  The latter two are great for edibles as they applied to the soil and not the plant itself.  Milorganite and blood meal also enrich the soil with nitrogen for a little extra boost