Rose Floral Blog
Miniature Gardens
Saturday, September 17 | House Plants
Miniature Gardening: Don’t let winter’s chill keep you from exercising your green thumb. Fairy gardens, dish gardens and terrariums are fun, creative ways to bring your summertime passion in for the winter. We stock all of the essentials year round for your houseplant progjects. Stop by our greenhouse for some inspiration and help getting started. Or, sign up for our indoor gardening class. Here are some tips to keep in mind when planting your gardens:...
Read More...Blossom End Rot
Tuesday, July 5 | Gardening Info
Blossom end rot is one of the most common problems encountered in tomatoes and other fruits. As the fruit develops, a small, dark spot appears on the blossom end (usually the bottom). The spot eventually turns into a large, black lesion that can consume most of the fruit....
Read More...The War On Buckthorn
Monday, April 11 | Gardening Info
An Invasive Species: Introduced into the Upper-Midwest during the mid-1800s as an ornamental specimen plant, Buckthorn has become one of the most common invasive plant species in Minnesota. The common or European buckthorn and the glossy buckthorn reseed themselves so prolifically that they effectively choke out many native understory plant species. The dominance of buckthorn leads to a lack of wildlife diversity by limiting the types of available habitat and food sources. Removal of buckthorn allows the return of native plant species and the animals that depend on them. ...
Read More...Seed Starting Basics
Sunday, April 3 | Gardening Info
Starting your own plants from seed is a fun, cost effective way to get a jump on your gardening. Many unique hybrids and heirlooms are only available as seeds – starting your own opens up a whole new world of varieties....